Monday, May 25, 2009


Why you may be thinking? Well, my uncle is PR managing it, or something like that. So i get to go chill with DJ Lance Rock, and all the fun fluffy creatures of the show! :D
I am so pumped!!
Today has been ok, I'm a vit nervy pervy about tommorow night ( advance australia fair ew.) And i think i might like someone, but probably not. Ah well :D
cya xx

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Quiche for lunch, Alex 4 desert xD

Hola amigos.

Its a bright sunshiney day here* and i am very happy indeed. Jasmine stayed over last night and we watched the whole second season of buffy. And ate m&m's, and basically complained about everything we hate. it felt GREAT lol. Coz we are kind of the only one of ours friends who we can complain to.

And now mum is serving up Quiche and Veggies for lunchkins, and than i am going to alex's house :D We will have fun.

In the meantime, i have been playing the perfect cinderella. I cleaned my room all spick'n'span yesterday, except for one bucket of crap ( not literal) in the corner, and today i vaccuumed the lounge room, and the rug, and i fed my guineapig skittles, and made my bed. Yew!

Also, i did not feed my guinea pig skittles, as in the lollies, that is its name xD

I was worried i'd have the RSPCA breathing down my neck bahhaa




Friday, May 22, 2009

Tired eyes

**11.12pm. friday night**


But I dont really know why i'm so excited, seeing as i mostly just sit by myself on weekends. Ho hum.

Just watched a disc and a half of buffy, but am kinda on the freaked-out side now after watching vamps and ghosts and child killing demons and fish people..... I am a bit twitchy.

Today was pretty good, i had Food Technology today, and we were cooking! We made pumpkin risotto, which was OK, but a bit gross. Waaaaaay too much onion. But still, i made my mum a big steaming bowl of it and made it look all professional, than i took it up to her office. Let me tell you, she so loved me than :P

And i've been trying DESPERATELY to find out the name of this song!! It's sung by a girl, and its piano, and the lyrics go something like 'your fingertips' and ' i  walk alone' and it is piano. Very flowy, and dancey. But i seriously need to find out what it is!! before i go INSANE!

Well, this weekend, for a change, jasmine's coming to stay the night tomoz. Yippee! We are gonna play dress ups at two in the morning, and mess around with makeup, and watch buffy, and eat starburst lollies! :D

It's gonna be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G FUN!

And yesterday I found out that i am gonna be getting braces and a plate! I'm getting my braces on in august, and will probably have them for two years-ish. And than a plate for probably another two years, depending. But get this, mum made my appointment to get my braces put on at 8.00 in the morning! I'll probably fall asleep in the chair, while hes putting them on!! Haha. 

I'm a bit worried they'll be really painful and annoying, but I REALLY need good teeth. because if i want to be an actress, than nobody will hire a chick with badly messed up teeth. And i really want to be an actress! But i'm pretty sure i have WAY too many jobs lined up. I'll make a list:

*Fashion Designer
*Cake Decorator
Etc. Etc.!!

I'm glad that i have the free will to make this decision when i come to that time, but still theres so much to choose from, and you only have ONE LIFE! its so unfair. plus, it would help if the government chipped in for uni students! Instead of giving money to everyone but them, than taking their funding. Gr.

Well, my heads starting to hurt, and i need to clean my room in the morning. So I'd best be off.

(sorry for the long blog) 

SONG OF THE WEEK is..............


and have a GREAT night :)

Signing off,

C x

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Land HO!

**9.42pm, wednesday night**

Gr. How are you all?

My head hurts a little, but i am doing alright. Not much new happened today, but i jammed with some friends at lunch today. Not lovers. Friends.

And yeah, Recess just hung aboutt. Wednesdays hate me :P

Straightened my hair ( for those of you who don't know, it is generally spazzy-curly. like, phsycho in a can) but it is now kinda wavey-ish from fog in the morning. Damn mother nature ( joking!! please dont hit me with a freak tornado or something! ) 

I had 7 pieces of toast this evening! 4 with margarine on them for dinner, and 3 fo desert, also with margarine. I think i may possibly have exceeded my carb quota for today... Hmm. :P

Anyway, I'm gonna pop off to bed now, as my eyes are slightly 

          G.............................. :D

Night xx

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Off to bed now!

Goodnight my lovelies :D


Haufen Schnaufen

Tag, Meine Freundlich mooses

I am completing my german homework. It is slightly strange. But i do love the words ' haufen schnaufen' so i figured that would be this blogs title :)

Listening to Jose Gonzalez, he's so brilliant. ' We need hints, before we get tired. We need hints, before we lose pace. and we need hints to know we're on the right track'

i love him so.

Now, I must vee off.

But please feel free to follow my blog :)

While i play haufen schnaufen :P

(which, funnily enough, means ' word tetris' Hm. How interesting)

And a last note, for those of you who dont speak german, i said ' Hello, my friendly mooses' But i was unsure how to say 'moose' in german, so i just spelt it in englisch :P

Well, off goes me

Ciaociao :)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Take 2

** 7.34pm, sunday night **

ok here goes, i shall try to upload some more photos :)

Well, that didn't really work, and i am quite impatient, so i give up. Maybe I'll put them on Flikr, if i can be bothered.

Anyways, recent news, i got a HEAP of really good hand-me-downs! They dont sound too flash but they are really pretty :) And I'm now going to straighten my hair.... because i feel like change.

mum is yellign, so g2g


Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Walk!

**4.10pm, sunday **

Back and edited all the photos from my walk! But i am still trying to get them onto my blog... they are taking FOREVER!

Meh. I will put some up later, yes? 

Anyways, i might watch some more Arrested Development now, seeing as i have nothing better to do. Blah.. 


Also hi to Nessa ;)


Cinderella + The Amazing shoes!

** 2.50 pm, Sunday Arvo **

Well, washings all done :D Didn't really take me that long, but i was doing other stuff too.

Now i think i shall go for a walk, down the road, and take some pictures, coz everything is pretty and green after the near constant rainfall for the past 48 hours..

but first, the pics of shoes i promised!

These shoes are AMAZING!  Its cool how the heels have flowers carved out of them. definitely a 9/10.

Ok, Heel-less heels, definitely strange but maybe the shoe choice of the future?! 4/10

Ok.. How about no? lol. 2/10, just because i care :)

Wow, nice one Prada... but maybe a bit hard to balance in? 7/10

Let me know what u think of these amazing designs!

Now, I'm off for my little exploring walk, so i'll blog again sometime soonish, with lots of pictures of cows, and grass, and other exciting things that one sees in country australia! :)

C x

The Uggs Of Glory!

Ok, so I've decided that i have now officially mentioned the 'Snuggy Uggies' in enough of my blogs to grand them a feature. And though they may not be the prettiest slippers to look at, they are most certainly the warmest. So may i present to you....

The Snuggy Uggies! 
 Now, just incase these devilish shoes don't take your fancy, i have found some more lovely shoe pics to be uploaded. But first i have to hang out my washing :)

So be back in a jiffy, and than i might go for a walk. But i'll be sure to take some photos, just for you ;)

C xx

Sunday Blues

 ** 1.50pm, Sunday **


with a passion!! They are a day of expected-gloominess. You have the feeling that you have ONE MORE DAY before you are forced back into your institutionalized cage! And that you are just waiting for the school week, with nothing better to do.

OH and your parents make you clean up and do the washing etc. etc. 

in the mean time, i have just been ugging around ( those hot-diggidy-dog boots seem to make an appearance in all my blogs ) and watching Arrested Development ( Crazy funny show, i love it! )

And trying to find people worth following on this great thing that is the world wide web.

I'll try to hunt down something fun for you chappies, before my next post.Until than, for brekkie this morning i had :

- Cheese and crackers
- A glass of orange juice
- a bowl of cereal ( the name slips my mind atm )


I'm gonna go now before i say anything more stupid.

Buh-bye now 


Friday, May 15, 2009

Soggy like a mop.

 **1.55 pm, Saturday **

More rain!!! Luckily i have been inside all day, but i haven't eaten so am a bit hungs. 

And the rain has stopped. Ha! its so strange, this weather.

I've been exploring different blocks ( pressing ' next blog' and hoping for something interesting, as i do not know how to search )

Its quite frustrating actually!! I have no idea how to search for different blogs... i was hoping to find some more 13 year old girls to follow, preferably in other countries, so its kind of a cultural exchange thingo.. 

anyways dad is asking me to get off the comp, so cya 

C x

I smell pasta :)

** 12.00 pm, Saturday **

hola, I'm back and finished with the washing. Mum and dad are having pasta sauce, on toast me thinks.... I am sitting here ( in the Snuggly Ugg-lies ) Listening to my iPod. I recently went through the entire computers music files and got heaps of old stuff I hadn't put on my new (less than a year old) iPod. Song playing at the moment is....

Sugar Water - Cibo Matto. Its off the Buffy Soundtrack, and is quite hilarious. The girl is singing about 'riding on a camel, that has big eyes ' its priceless. At first listen, it is quite crap, but it grows on you !90's ALERT! The song is from season 1. When Buffy is sexy dancing with  Xander. :P Check it out... ( this vid is live, so the sound quality is a bit shot, but still )

Oooh, maddy brought home a box of Country Cheese biscuits! I used to always eat them at nan and pops. I went to grab a stack but than dads all ' take two ' so im annoyed, coz they are about the only good thing to eat in the pantry at the moment. Ho hum. 

In the meantime, i have started on a new book! Even though i just finished Three Wishes yesterday, I really have nothing better to do. ( you can read about Three Wishes in my post Its Raining its Pouring ) The new book is Extras, by Scott Westerfeld. It's pretty good,  I'll post the blurb... It is the fourth book in its series, so if you want the full picture maybe start at the start, as it gets a bit confusing ( this is my first time reading this series ) 

It's a few years after rebel Tally Youngblood took down the uglies/pretties/specials regime. Without those strict roles and rules, the world is in a complete cultural renaissance. "Tech-heads" flaunt their latest gadgets, "kickers" spread the dirt about gossip and trends, and "surge monkeys" are hooked on extreme plastic surgery. And it's all monitored on a bazillion different cameras. The world is like a gigantic game of American Idol. Whoever is getting the most buzz gets the most votes. Popularity rules.

As if being fifteen doesn't suck enough, Anya Fuse's rank of 451,369 is so low, she's a total nobody. An extra. Her only chance to escape extra-land is to find a big story to kick- something wild and unexpected.

Then Anya meets a clique of girls who pull crazy tricks, yet are deeply secretive of it. But the Sly Girls are hiding something bigger - an explosive discovery that may change the face of the brave new world forever. If Anya kick this story, she'll be propelled into the world of fame, celebrity ... and extreme danger. A world she's not prepared for. 

So its pretty hardcore, but I'm enjoying it. Incase you're wondering, the first three books are




So ladies and gents, there are the books... 

I can't really think of much more to write at the moment, except for the fact that i am in desperate need of social interaction, and that i need more buffy discs to watch!! and now, i might go see if i can find something to eat in this house!

Till next post.

C x

Weather watch

**10.42 am Saturday**

Can't blog now. washing to do D:


C x

Its raining its pouring..

 **11.10 pm, Friday Night **

Hello... haven't really blogged much about anything in a while, i need to remember to do this a lot more often, thought it would probably be easier if i had a laptop... hint hint parentals.

Just read a really good book, that reminded me about this blog of mine.... 
Its Called 'Three Wishes' and is by Isabelle Merlin. Heres the blurb if u think it sounds interesting...


When Rose creates a blog for an english assignment, she doesn't realise it will change her life. An elegant stranger arrives to announce that  Rose has an aristocratic French grandfather who would like to meet her.

Rose arrives in France to find that her grandfather lives in a magnificent castle. Utterly enchanted, she grows to love her new life - and Charlie, a charming boy who is equally besotted with Rose.

But as Rose begins to delve deeper into her family's past, her fairy tale turns into a nightmare. Who is friend? Who is foe? Someone wants her dead. And she must find out who before their wish comes true!

So there you have it. The author has actually made the blogs from the story online, which i think is crazy cool, so if you want to read Rose's blog, its and it contains some spoilers... also, another creepy character in the book has a blog, you can read it here.

Anyways, on with real life. I found a pair of my dads old ugg boots in ma n da's room, they are genuine vintage uggies from the 70's! They are insanely warm and fluffy, and go almost up to my knees. I feel bad for the sheep that died to make them though, but even if that sheep hadn't been killed, it would of been dead by now anyway. It is freezing cold and rainy here, and we've got the wood fire cranked up and running. 

Another new development, i have become addicted to the cult series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It is a greaatttt show, and the fact that it has super-stud David Boreanaz (Bones) in it, doesn't hurt either ;)

Well, my arm is hurting from speed-typing, and my eyes are getting a bit droopy.....

Also, reading the book about the girl who goes to france has made me busting to travel even more!! If thats possible.... I just feel like i am so sick of my life being so boring and routine, i was something exciting to happen to spice it up a bit! 

Anyways, i will keep dreaming....

and, SONG OF THE WEEK is...........

DANIEL - Bat for lashes.

^^^ Check it out ^^^


until next time
